OI10 Client setup - OIPI ServiceHost (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 05 MAR 2021 11:20:49AM Hank Huizinga wrote:
Environment: WIndows Server 2016/Remote Desktop/Citrix/OI10.0.8.1
We are having intermittent issues with users receiving the error message below when logging into our OpenInsight 10 application:
"Failed to communicate with OIPI Service, error: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe:localhost/1f7f2a83-….-d257/OIPIServiceHostPipe that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.\n Error details: The pipe endpoint 'net.pipe:localhost/1f7f2a83-….d257/OIPIServiceHostPipe could not be found on your local machine.
Note: 1f7f2a83-….d257 is actually 30 or so character long, I abbreviated it.
Is there a way I can configure this OIPIServiceHost to be more Citrix friendly? In some cases, the error was cause by a user having multiple citrix sessions open on the same server. For other users, this was not an issue. Sometime it happens when only one session is open.
We have also had to put a process in place to kill the C:\Program Files\Revelation Software\Revelation Software .NET 4.0 Components v10.0 (64bit)\OIPIServiceHost.exe process on user logoff due to the fact that the Citrix session was not closing for over 30seconds after exiting the OpenInsight application due to OIPIServiceHost.exe not closing in a timely manner.
Any pointers are appreciated,
At 05 MAR 2021 01:16PM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Hank. The only thing I can suggest is that there is a flag that can be set that makes the OIPIServiceHost visible on the desktop, and shows the communication that's going on with it. I use this functionality to try and debug issues; _maybe_ it can do the same for you?
In the folder C:\Program Files\Revelation Software\Revelation Software .NET 4.0 Components v10.0 (64bit) there should be a file named "OIPI_STATUS.txt", which normally just has "0" as its content. If you change that to "1" (no quotes), the OIPIServiceHost "status" window will be displayed. (Note that it's tricky to edit the OIPI_STATUS.txt file directly in the Program Files subfolder; you may want to copy it to a "normal" file location, change its value, and then copy it back…)
Again, I don't know if that will show you something useful or not, but I think it's the first place to start.
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky