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At 14 NOV 2007 05:17:46PM Jim Leong wrote:

Is there a way to find out what my OI(3.7) serial number is?

At 14 NOV 2007 05:22PM Matthew Crozier wrote:

Hi Jim,

You could run the OENGINE.EXE program and click the EngineInfo button on the Open Engine window that appears once maximised.

HTH - M@


At 14 NOV 2007 05:44PM John Bouley wrote:

Open TCL and type WHO…

At 15 NOV 2007 08:29AM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


TCL is not an option in OI 3.7. It wasn't added until series 7. Jim will need to do as M@ Crozier advises.

If one needs to programmatically access the Serial number it could be done using the SERIAL() function.


At 15 NOV 2007 09:35AM John Bouley wrote:

Sorry, long day… I read OI 7.3… but on the other hand, he should really upgrade :-)


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