How to exclude Row Numbers in the print of UI (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 03 APR 2012 09:44:15PM Kimberley Lao wrote:
Fellow Revelation Users:
I created an Entity in UI Workspace.
1) I checked the Printable Checkbox and
2) Unchecked the Row Buttons and Row Numbers,
in the Options Tab.
The display is correct but when I click the Print Button, the Row column is added to the output. This output is wrong because I don’t want the Row Column appears in my hardcopy.
Please advise me how to correct this problem?
At 09 APR 2012 08:18AM mike ruane wrote:
The program listing always has the line numbers. We could add an option to the print routine to handls this in the future, but as a workaround, you could select the entire program using Ctrl-A, and then paste it into notepad ( running notepad.exe from the windows command line) and paste the program there, and print it out.
Hope it helps-