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At 28 JUL 2021 02:57:10AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

Probably for Carl?

I created new tables using a procedure, and created the dicts as well via same

If I try to open the table via entity, oi tables it doesn't open

However when I select view tool panels, database and open it from there it comes up in the RTI IDE

and it shows as 'dbtable:TABLENAME' Do I need to do something else as well? Gerry </QUOTE> —- === At 28 JUL 2021 05:36AM Carl Pates wrote: === <QUOTE>HI Gerry <QUOTE>If I try to open the table via entity, oi tables it doesn't open</QUOTE> We did some work on the database panel for v10.1 so it might be fixed in the open dialog - I've just tested using Create_Table here and it appeared there as expected. Let me know if it's still a problem when you get a new build? <QUOTE>However when I select view tool panels, database and open it from there it comes up in the RTI IDE and it shows as 'dbtable:TABLENAME'

That's an internal ID we use in the IDE for non-repos tables - I've just fixed it so that it appears properly in the Menu MRU lists (you'll probably get this in the next Beta build after the current one), but again, in 10.1 it should open as normal? Let me know if this isn't the case.


Carl Pates


At 28 JUL 2021 07:50AM cmeyer wrote:

I have put my name down to join the OI10.1 beta test prpogram. When will OI10.1 be available for further testing.


At 28 JUL 2021 10:11AM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

Got my email today … so

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