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At 30 JAN 2020 02:53:06PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, everyone. As you can see, the works board is recovering, but hasn't yet reached full functionality. We'll be working to bring it back to normal as best we can over the next days. Thanks again for your patience…

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 25 OCT 2019 12:20PM Brad Haughn wrote:

That is a pretty quick turn around for what happened. Well done!

At 25 OCT 2019 12:34PM Matthew Smith wrote:

I was able to log in and post. One of my co-workers, Shawn Burke, was able to log in but when trying to access the forum he got an error saying he was not authorized.


Matthew Smith

At 07 NOV 2019 10:14AM Mike Ruane wrote:


Shawn is set up correctly. If he resets his cache, and gets rid of cookies, can he log in correctly to the new site?


Mike Ruane

At 07 FEB 2020 04:19PM Daniel Sternklar wrote:

try posting a new message didnt show

At 10 FEB 2020 10:18AM Daniel Sternklar wrote:

Creating a new topic does not work, however replying to an existing topic does post.

At 10 FEB 2020 06:20PM Daniel Sternklar wrote:

just to close the loop on this , turns out posting was working but the index for my selection to view needed to be rebuilt, which is why I was not seeing my new topics.

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