UD5.3 performance (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 20 MAR 2022 06:20:57PM cmeyer wrote:
What improved performance can the client expect if the client was to purchase the UD5.3 for OI9.4.6. Currently using UD4.7.2. In other words how can I convince the client to purchase UD5.3 (at quite an expense).
At 20 MAR 2022 06:25PM Donald Bakke wrote:
What improved performance can the client expect if the client was to purchase the UD5.3 for OI9.4.6. Currently using UD4.7.2. In other words how can I convince the client to purchase UD5.3 (at quite an expense).
There is no expectation of a performance difference (or improvement as I'm suspecting you are hoping for). The UD 5.x product (at least through 5.3) is primarily designed for improved backup via VSS, encryption over the wire (if needed), and auto-recovery of disconnected sessions.
If you enable encryption over the wire then you can expect degradted performance becuase you are necessarily adding overhead to the transmission.
At 20 MAR 2022 06:30PM cmeyer wrote:
There were previous discussions regarding the revparam file being cached by UD5.3 instead of being read many times over the network UDD4.7.2. Thought this may apply to other files required by the UD.
At 20 MAR 2022 06:39PM Donald Bakke wrote:
There were previous discussions regarding the revparam file being cached by UD5.3 instead of being read many times over the network UDD4.7.2. Thought this may apply to other files required by the UD.
Ah, yes, the REVPARAM is cached but I don't think this applies to any other files. There should be some measure of improvement from this, but I doubt it will be enough that you'll notice in routine usage of the software.