OSBWrite and 32K blocks (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 21 OCT 2005 09:49:31AM Enrique Murphy wrote:
In ARev, there was a problem with the OSBWrite when creating large ASCII files. The problem was solved writing in blocks of 32K. Has this been fixed in OI?
At 21 OCT 2005 10:40AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Given the 64K limit was removed you could just OsWrite the entire file.
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At 23 OCT 2005 10:35PM dsig _at_ sigafoos.org wrote:
Although, as mentioned by Sprezz, there are no limits we find it faster to process smaller strings ..
BUT we have had no problems using osbwrite for any size strings ..