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At 12 JUL 2023 07:03:51PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:


There is a procedure Indexlookup that gets used to search various indexed items

To find an item you have to use the dropdown when the form is displayed, then type something and it will move down.

Is there a way/setting the data can be displayed when you start typing.

Also any way to make it display in the MDI Frame?



At 13 JUL 2023 08:10AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

INDEXLOOKUP is what it is unfortunately. You CAN specify your own popup to override the system built one, and you can specify that the popup should be multiselect, but that's about it.

If you call Index Lookup directly, I believe you could change the parent to be the MDI Frame rather than the current window but I have never tried it so don't know if there are ramifications.

You might be better off building your own window, there's not a lot going on in the routine.

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At 13 JUL 2023 09:42AM bob carten wrote:


I put a function in OI10 alled RTI_QUERYGRID. It mimics indexlookup, but allows you to specify non-indexed fields as well. I believe we ship the source for the window so that you can save a copy in your app and modify the look. The functionality is in the commuter module, which we don't ship. Currently it does not support passing in a list of values per field, but I could add that if you think the window is useful.

  function RTI_QUERYGRID(ownerwindow, table, SearchFields, displayedfields, mode, popupname, by_clause)
  • Variation of INDEXLOOKUP which works on non-indexed columns too, supports sorting
  • ownerwindow = parent window
  • table = data table
  • searchInfo = fields for the lookup, vm/svm delimited structure colname [ svm label svm conv svm operators svm optionlist]
  • colname = name of search column, required
  • heading = label , optional
  • conve = output conversion, optional
  • operators = svm delimited list of comparison operators, optional
  • displayedfields = fields to display in popup, optional, defaults to null. NOTE: leave null to return all keys from search
  • mode =single / multi, optional, defaults to single, only aplies when you supply popup or dispkayfields
  • popupname = predefined popup to use in line of displayfields, optional, defaults to null
  • by_clause = sort clause for the popup, e.g BY LNAME BY FNAME, optional, defaults to null

* Rti_querygrid example

Declare Function rti_querygrid

atWindow= CtrlEntId[1,'.']

id = rti_querygrid(atWindow|

     ,'PERSON' |

     ,'CITY':@vm:'FNAME':@vm:'LNAME':@vm:'ZIP' |\

     ,'CITY':@vm:'FNAME':@vm:'LNAME':@vm:'ZIP' |

     ,'SINGLE' |



If id Then

   unused = Set_Property( atWindow:'.EF_IDNO','DEFPROP', id )   

   call send_event(atWindow:'.EF_IDNO', 'LOSTFOCUS')



At 13 JUL 2023 07:08PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

Thanks Bob,

just realised I use it with QBF

Will give it a go and let you know..


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