Calling MySQL Stored Procedure from OpenInsight (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 15 OCT 2020 11:48:27AM Enrique Murphy wrote:
Is it possible to call a MySQL stored procedure from within OpenInsight? If so, how would I do it?Thanks,Enrique
At 15 OCT 2020 12:01PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Is it possible to call a MySQL stored procedure from within OpenInsight? If so, how would I do it?Thanks,Enrique</QUOTE>Yes it is possible. The easiest way I know of is to use ADO to connect to the SQL server and make a stored procedure call using the EXEC command. We have a blog article on using ADO within OpenInsight. Much of what we learned has come from many posts in this form so you can get a lot of good information here as well.
=== At 15 OCT 2020 12:01PM bob carten wrote: ===
Yes, it is possible to call a mysql stored procedure.
You can use the SQL connector to make a connection to the database and then use the program DSBFS_EXEC_SQL to call the stored procedure, or you can use ADO objects with OLE.
Here is an example of using a connection + dsbfs_Exec_SQL to pass SQL to a server. It was written for OI9 and MSSQL but the syntax would be similar in OI10 with MySQL
Last I tried, To make the connection you will need to install the MYSQL ODBC driver from, then make an ODBC connection to the MYSQL using ODBCAD32, then have your openInsight connection use the ODBC connection.
Subroutine TEST_DSBFS_EXEC_SQL( connection_name ) /* ** ** Sample program showing how to use the DSBFS_EXEC_SQL program to ** send a update statement ** Send a select, get results ** Send a parameterized select, get results ** Call a stored procedure ** Call a stored procedures, passing in paramters ** ** The example SQL statements were created using on MSSQL 2008 using the pubs database ** ** ** Notes about DSBFS_EXEC_SQL: ** You can send any SQL statement, including call stored procedures ** You can use straight SQL statements or parameterized statements ** You can call stored procedures with parameters, out params will be returned ** You can send scripts to create or alter tables or stored procedures (DDL) ** If the select statement returns multiple rows, the result will be a dynamic array ** The default delimiters are @vm columns, @fm rows, but you can get @rm/@fm or @vm/svm ** You can use this to create calculated fields which return mutilvalues *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dsbfs_exec_sql(connection, sql, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types) * Parameters * connection (In) - the name of the dsbfs connection. * sql (In) - a valid SQL DML statement e.g "Select Count(*) From authors" Or "SELECT * FROM TITLES" * demote_levels (In) - Optional, defaults to 1 * result (out) - A delimited string containing the results. Default is @rm For rows, @fm For columns * param_names (In) - Optional, defaults to "". List of parameter names, @rm delimited * param_vals (In) - Optional, defaults to "". List of parameter values, @rm delimited * param_types (In) - Optional, defaults to "". List of parameter values, @rm delimited * 03-01-12 rjc Created */ $Insert msg_Equates $Insert logical $Insert vol_table_equates $Insert Microsoft_ado_equates Equ crlf$ To \0D0A\ Declare Function Msg, DSBFS_exec_SQL, dsbfs_connection, dsbfs_recordsethelper, GET_STATUS call Set_Status(0) err_detail = '' * Edit the volume id and program name to suit your needs * The volume id is the connection name in the DSBFS_CONNECTION_DETAILS window * If not passed in, search for an existing connection If Assigned(connection_name) Else connection_name = '' If connection_name # '' Then Call Attach_table(connection_name, '', '') End else Locate 'DSBFS' In @volumes(vol_file_sys$) Using @fm Setting pos Then connection_name = @volumes(vol_location$)<pos,1> end If connection_name = '' Then Msg( @window, "Unable to determine the connection to use, terminating") Return '' end end /* * Update some records */ sql_statement = "update authors" sql_statement := " set state = 'TN'" sql_statement := " where state = 'UT'" result = '' ; * result of any select demote_levels = '' ; * result will come back as rm rows / fm cols, demote levels will change to fm/vm or vm/svm, ; * Pass 0 for rm/fm, 1 or null for fm/vm, 2 for vm/@svm param_names = '' ; * Stored proc or param query? this is an fm delimited array of parameter names param_vals = '' ; * associated array of parameter values param_types = '' ; * associated array of parameter data types result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types) If result_code eq -1 Then Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) ) Return '' End /* ** Run a select. If the select returns multiple rows they will become multvalues ** Look at result in the debugger */ sql_statement = "select" sql_statement := " au_id, city, state" sql_statement := " from authors" sql_statement := " where state = 'TN'" result = '' Swap @fm With crlf$ In SQL_STATEMENT result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types) If result_code eq -1 Then Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) ) Return '' End /* ** Parameterized Query Example ** Here we use a parameterized query which has ? in place of actual values ** You can use this approach to pass values that would be difficult to embed in an sql statement ** Especially for calling stored procedures. ** See Microsoft_Ado_Equates for a list of data types */ au_id = '172-32-1176' sql_statement = "select" sql_statement := " title_id" sql_statement := " from titleauthor" sql_statement := " where au_id = ?" param_names = '' param_vals = au_id param_types = adVarChar result = '' Swap @fm With crlf$ In SQL_STATEMENT result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types) If result_code eq -1 Then Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) ) Return '' End * Call A stored procedure Using dsbfs_exec_sql, text sql statement rather than parameters ids = '' param_names = '' param_vals = '' param_types = adVarChar sql_statement = 'exec byroyalty @percentage = 100' result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, ids, param_names, param_vals, param_types) If result_code eq -1 Then Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) ) Return '' End /* * Call A stored procedure Using dsbfs_exec_sql, using parameters * Note that in/out parameters will be returned */ ids = '' param_names = '@percentage' ; * @RM delimite list of parameter names param_vals = '100' ; * Associated @RM delimited list of parameter values param_types = adInteger ; * types are ignored, we use ADO params.Refresh() to get the parameters sql_statement = 'exec byroyalty' Swap @fm With crlf$ In SQL_STATEMENT result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, ids, param_names, param_vals, param_types) If result_code eq -1 Then Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) ) Return '' End Return result
=== At 15 OCT 2020 01:09PM Enrique Murphy wrote: ===
Thanks to all, I have material to start.