Maximise Child Window (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 19 JUL 2021 08:44:43PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
In OI 10 when i maximise a child window, i cant minimise it
ie the minimize button doesn't appear
Is there another setting I have to check or set?
Window settings are correct when not maximised
At 19 JUL 2021 08:49PM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Gerry,
That's a bug - as a workaround you can use Alt + '-' to get the child's System Menu and hit minimize from there?
At 19 JUL 2021 08:53PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Normally I just Esc and close it,
or as you suggested..
still in Dev so not a big issue at this stage..
Thanks Carl