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At 06 JAN 1998 10:17:52PM Barry Stevens wrote:

The CUSTOMER.ZIP file is still wrong.

The rev52… files should be in a separate path (Customer), as a result there is only one revmedia file in the zip, the revmedia for rev20… has been overwritten.


At 06 JAN 1998 10:52PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Whoops, sorry my mistake, I am getting errors, so I assumed the Customer data files are seperated by APPBACK UP from the application files.

OK, when I run APPBACKUP in the Customer account (with a directory of CUSTOMER created under the OI path) I get FS133 detail 0 error codes when the DBTABLES are being processed. The application wins and procs etc seem to have been installed but there are no files in the CUSTOMER directory.



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