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At 14 MAY 2021 01:54:00PM Brad Haughn wrote:

This may have been talked about already but I couldn't find it in the forums, so forgive me if this has been covered.

My co-workers and I have run into a situation where we are in a client layer (DL), which inherits our base application layer (MPC). Sometimes when we go to get code from a screen from our inherited layer (MPC) to use in our client layer (DL) we open the inherited screen. However, we cannot review any code on inherited forms as we could before.

Procedures and messages and popup boxes all seem to allow us to see the inherited things fine. It just seems to be inherited forms we cannot review code.

Is this something that we will now have to deal with differently in OI10 vs OI9 or is this unintentional?

At 14 MAY 2021 02:13PM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Brad,

Looks like a bug - the Events panel is disabled because you can't make changes - it need's to be in a read-only mode instead. We'll have a look at it for the next release.


Carl Pates

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