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At 01 DEC 2022 04:26:07PM Bruce Cameron wrote:

We recently migrated a OI 9.4/UD 5.0 from a Windows 2008 server to Windows 2019 Datacenter with UD 5.3 and it is *very* slow to open up OI in dev or runtime mode. Once it is open it runs OK but not as before.

The new machine is x64 Virtual (Hyper-V v4) based with 16Gb of RAM (34 total virtual).

I installed the UD with the usual defaults with the exception of security. I chose to "Encrypt Client/Server" as I wanted to test performance.

My Revparam, located in the OI Root directory is:





I have tried changing Secure=0 in both the Revparam and Registry entry but OI won't come up at all. I get a Error=FS1104 Group=1028 and then a "Filing system installation failed. (REPOS_BFS – FS479).

All clientsetup options were installed and verified that are running the "Universal Driver ver."

How can I turn "off" "Encrypt Client/Server" to see if that is the issue?

Thanks anyone.

At 01 DEC 2022 07:16PM Barry Stevens wrote:

We recently migrated a OI 9.4/UD 5.0 from a Windows 2008 server to Windows 2019 Datacenter with UD 5.3 and it is *very* slow to open up OI in dev or runtime mode. Once it is open it runs OK but not as before.

The new machine is x64 Virtual (Hyper-V v4) based with 16Gb of RAM (34 total virtual).

I installed the UD with the usual defaults with the exception of security. I chose to "Encrypt Client/Server" as I wanted to test performance.

My Revparam, located in the OI Root directory is:





I have tried changing Secure=0 in both the Revparam and Registry entry but OI won't come up at all. I get a Error=FS1104 Group=1028 and then a "Filing system installation failed. (REPOS_BFS – FS479).

All clientsetup options were installed and verified that are running the "Universal Driver ver."

How can I turn "off" "Encrypt Client/Server" to see if that is the issue?

Thanks anyone.

With no experience in this area, but, my first thought does anyone still have OI open.

At 01 DEC 2022 07:19PM Barry Stevens wrote:

We recently migrated a OI 9.4/UD 5.0 from a Windows 2008 server to Windows 2019 Datacenter with UD 5.3 and it is *very* slow to open up OI in dev or runtime mode. Once it is open it runs OK but not as before.

The new machine is x64 Virtual (Hyper-V v4) based with 16Gb of RAM (34 total virtual).

I installed the UD with the usual defaults with the exception of security. I chose to "Encrypt Client/Server" as I wanted to test performance.

My Revparam, located in the OI Root directory is:





I have tried changing Secure=0 in both the Revparam and Registry entry but OI won't come up at all. I get a Error=FS1104 Group=1028 and then a "Filing system installation failed. (REPOS_BFS – FS479).

All clientsetup options were installed and verified that are running the "Universal Driver ver."

How can I turn "off" "Encrypt Client/Server" to see if that is the issue?

Thanks anyone.

With no experience in this area, but, my first thought does anyone still have OI open.

…did you restart the service

At 01 DEC 2022 09:17PM Bruce Cameron wrote:

Thanks Barry, I've rebooted a couple times.

At 02 DEC 2022 08:06AM bshumsky wrote:

Thanks Barry, I've rebooted a couple times.

Hi, Bruce. Yes, you should be able to set Secure=0 in your REVPARAM, and the Secure string value to 0 in the registry, and have the UD and OI "talk" without a problem.

Let me ask a silly question - are you sure you're looking in the right part of the registry? Remember that UD 5.x is 64bit, so you need to be checking in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\RevSoft\Universal Driver\5.2 - you might be used to checking in the 32bit "registry hive", which was HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\RevSoft\Universal Driver?

The other thing to check is, do you perhaps have multiple REVPARAMs in different folders? Perhaps some of them still have the Secure=1 setting?

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 02 DEC 2022 11:09AM Bruce Cameron wrote:

Hi Bryan,

I was here ( Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Revsoft\Revelation Universal Driver\5.2 ) when I changed the SECURE setting …

Yes, only 1 Revparam file.



At 05 DEC 2022 10:36AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan,

I was here ( Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Revsoft\Revelation Universal Driver\5.2 ) when I changed the SECURE setting …

Yes, only 1 Revparam file.



Hi, Bruce. Do you also have any OI 10's using the same Universal Driver, or is it just OI 9.4 with the UD 5.x? The reason I ask is, can you see if setting Secure=0 in the OI 10 folder's REVPARAM lets _it_ talk with the UD? Just trying to see if it's a 9.x-specific issue.

For what it's worth, I just verified with my OI 10 that (for me at least) I can change from Secure=0 to Secure=1 and back again without problem (so long as I remember to restart the service after changing the registry…)


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 05 DEC 2022 11:55AM Bruce Cameron wrote:

Hi Bryan,

It is just OI9.4 and UD 5.2.

You hit the nail on the head… (so long as * I * remember to restart the service after changing the registry...)

I have successfully changed the Secure= setting now. Thank you.

OI opens to the "Open Application" dialog box faster now – but is still sluggish to open to the Application Manager but might be related to the new system (Launch Application is fine).

Question for discussion:

If Secure=1 would OI system files really need to be encrypted (aka not PII) and feasibly there could be a "black list" of files not to encrypt or is it an all or nothing scenario?

At 05 DEC 2022 12:50PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Bruce. Glad I tossed in that aside - I didn't even consider it for you, because you mentioned that you'd rebooted several times (which should have stopped and restarted the service - unless you meant you rebooted the


Re: your question - the "secure" flag only encrypts the _communication_ between the UD and the workstation. The data is still stored in an unencrypted format - it just makes the data unintelligible while it's coming "over the wire". If you need to protect information for privacy purposes, you may still want to consider using something like Bitlocker to encrypt the data at rest.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 05 DEC 2022 01:39PM Bruce Cameron wrote:

No I meant the server but I think I got my changes crossed so this time I just changed the revparam and then the registry and then stop/started the UD.

What I meant by my question was that with Secure=1, OI took 2 mins. just to get to the "Open Application" dialog. Since I'm assuming everything needed get to that point is OI system data, is the slowness attributed to encrypting "that" OI system data in route. If so, could OI system data "not" be encrypted in route so OI Processes/threads/messages run faster (since there would be no sensitive data to protect). Just a thought.

Thank you again.

At 05 DEC 2022 01:51PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Bruce. Ah, ok, now I understand. Hmm, there's no provision for marking "some" data as secure and just encrypting that. However, with the UD 5.x, it's possible to have multiple REVPARAMs talking to multiple UD servers, so I imagine someone could set up two Universal Driver services. One would have secure=0, and the revparam would be put in the "normal" OI files, while the other would have secure=1, and you would put any data that you wanted to encrypt "over the wire" under the control of that second UD server. Obviously this isn't something that I've tried, but I think it might work in theory…

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 05 DEC 2022 02:33PM Bruce Cameron wrote:

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