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At 01 MAY 2012 05:01:53AM Matthew Jones wrote:

I have just had my first look at the BRW in OI 9.3.1.

First impressions look good.

However, when I create a New Report it seems the Wizard only displays tables that are saved in my DBT.

It doesn't display any of my subsequently attached data tables.

Our app allows multiple businesses, implemented as multiple data volumes that are attached at runtime after user selection, so we do not save the tables in the DBT.

Did I miss something?

How can I access dynamically attached tables via the BRWDesigner?


Matt Jones.

At 01 MAY 2012 01:29PM bshumsky wrote:

I have just had my first look at the BRW in OI 9.3.1.

First impressions look good.

However, when I create a New Report it seems the Wizard only displays tables that are saved in my DBT.

It doesn't display any of my subsequently attached data tables.

Our app allows multiple businesses, implemented as multiple data volumes that are attached at runtime after user selection, so we do not save the tables in the DBT.

Did I miss something?

How can I access dynamically attached tables via the BRWDesigner?


Matt Jones.

Hi, Matt. The BRW can be configured to either run in its own OEngine, or share the current OEngine; if you're set up to have it run its own OEngine, then it will only have access to the tables that are normally attached via the DBT at application startup, and not any that you've dynamically added.

You should be able to change (or create) the BRW configuration record so that it shares the current OEngine; here's a post that discusses the configuration record.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 01 MAY 2012 10:25PM Matthew Jones wrote:

Brilliant Bryan - thank you v much.

As usual, easy when you know how! :smile:

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