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At 07 MAR 2006 02:30:24PM David Nicol wrote:

I get an error running Setup.EXE updating to NLM 5.5. File Revdde.dll is missing.

I have searched for reference to the file but can't find anything.

Any suggestions?

At 07 MAR 2006 05:29PM Warren Auyong wrote:

What version of OI are you running?

You only need the client setup for the 16 bit versions of OI if I'm not mistaken. (v4.1x and earlier???)

Just run NetDrv to set the network driver and you should be okay

At 08 MAR 2006 12:40PM David Nicol wrote:

I am running OI Version 4.13. When I run NETDRV.EXE, I don't see IPX/NetWare Multi-user Driver ver. 1.5b. I do see a Netware NLM Multi-user driver ver. 1.5c, but if I try using that, OI errors.

At 09 MAR 2006 10:06AM Kevin Ruane Revelation wrote:


That is the driver that should be used for the Revelation NLM 5.5. What errors are you receiving?

At 09 MAR 2006 12:22PM David Nicol wrote:

I went through the instalation, Workstation and Server, for Revelation 3.12 and it checks out OK. NLM_STAT appears to match the information in the Installation manual.

When I try to use OI with the Netware NLM 1.5c, I get the error "Filing System Installation Failed (REPOS_BFS – FS) Open Engine cannot continue."

At 09 MAR 2006 03:53PM Kevin Ruane wrote:


Tell me a bit more about the setup. What version Novell Client 32 are you using? Is IPX the preferred protocol? If you remove the revparam in the main application directory, what error do you receive?


At 10 MAR 2006 02:15PM David Nicol wrote:

I'm using Novell Client V 4.91 SP2 and connecting to Netware 6.0 using IPX as the preferred connection. I verified that it is actually connected using IPX.

If I remove the revparam file from the ARev application directory, I get the same error that I described in the previous response. There is no revparam in the OI directory.

At 09 APR 2006 05:34PM David Nicol wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions how to solve this?

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