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At 15 APR 2009 02:22:16AM Patrick McCann wrote:

Hi, I was hoping someone here can help me with the following. I am trying to determine the number of characters (printed at a particular font size) that will fit in a column based on twips. As an example, if I have a column length set at 1440 twips (1 inch) and my font is set to Arial 6 how many characters can I fit into the column. If someone can pass along a formula, or if this functionality is already incorporated into OI and I missed I would appreciate any help. Thank you, Patrick

At 15 APR 2009 04:03AM's Don Bakke wrote:


If you are working with the OIPI then I suggest using the CALCTEXT message. If you doing something else then you should use the TEXTRECT service of the Utility function.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 15 APR 2009 08:24AM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


Don is correct, the CALCTEXT/CALCTABLE/CALCMAXLEN messages are used to determine size within OIPI. The Help has examples on their use.


At 15 APR 2009 11:39AM Patrick McCann wrote:

Thank you both Don and Sean. I started to look at these late last night and will pick it up again this evening. Now I know I am going in the right direction.

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