Images not showing (OIPI)
At 01 JUN 2020 06:33:34AM cmeyer wrote:
Creating an OIPI report displayed on the screen that contains an invoice (text) on page 1 and images on the remaining pages. 4 images (2x2) per page with the name of the image underneath each image.
There are 19 images in total therefore 6 pages in total.
Randomly there are missing images but the image text is being displayed. Sometimes the 3rd image on page 4 and the 3rd & 4th image on page 6. Then next time the same the report is run all images are displayed correctly.
Uploaded the routine to the client server and reported missing images in various locations. Again the image name is being displayed in the correct location.
Could there be some timing issues as these images are 4Mb in size and has anyone else seen this phenomenon.
Running OI9.4.4
Any advice would be appreciated.
At 01 JUN 2020 08:07AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Chris. I think it could be related to the size of the images. Can you resize them/lower their resolution, so that they aren't quite so memory-intensive, and see if that helps?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 02 JUN 2020 07:17AM cmeyer wrote:
Thanks for the reply Bryan,
This leads to the next question as to where I would find some software to reduce the image size that is compatible with OI.
Do you have any suggestions as to how I am able to reduce the image size.
Thanks in advance.
At 02 JUN 2020 10:09AM bshumsky wrote:
Thanks for the reply Bryan,
This leads to the next question as to where I would find some software to reduce the image size that is compatible with OI.
Do you have any suggestions as to how I am able to reduce the image size.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, Chris. Are you looking for something to do this manually (you only have a few images), or in a batch (you have a lot of images), or programmatically (you want to change their size dynamically)?
- Bryan Shumsky