local host console (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 03 SEP 2020 09:49:50PM Barry Stevens wrote:
both on web browser and IDE
get this response:
Invalid application for connection
At 25 SEP 2020 12:33PM bshumsky wrote:
both on web browser and IDE
get this response:
Invalid application for connection
Hi, Barry. If you look in the eserver.cfg for your engine server (located in your OI 10 folder), what does it say for WebServerConnection_console? What about WebServerConnection_* and WebServerDynamicConnections (if they exist in your eserver.cfg at all)?
In the IDE, in SYSPROG, if you go to Settings/IDE Settings/Engine Server, what do you show for the "Virtual directory to use to launch O4W in the IDE"?
And finally, have you tried to run the console from SYSPROG, or from another application, in the IDE?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 27 SEP 2020 03:04AM Barry Stevens wrote:
both on web browser and IDE
get this response:
Invalid application for connection
Hi, Barry. If you look in the eserver.cfg for your engine server (located in your OI 10 folder), what does it say for WebServerConnection_console? What about WebServerConnection_* and WebServerDynamicConnections (if they exist in your eserver.cfg at all)?
In the IDE, in SYSPROG, if you go to Settings/IDE Settings/Engine Server, what do you show for the "Virtual directory to use to launch O4W in the IDE"?
And finally, have you tried to run the console from SYSPROG, or from another application, in the IDE?
- Bryan Shumsky
what does it say for WebServerConnection_………webserver configuration WebServer_Disabled=0 WebServerPortNumber=18888 WebServerDynamicConnections=0 WebServerCGIProcedure=oecgi4.exe;oecgi3.exe WebServerVirtualDirs=o4w;examples;console WebServerVirtualPaths=o4w;o4w;o4w WebServerConnection_default=EXAMPLES,EXAMPLES,,,,RUN_OECGI_REQUEST,,,,, WebServerConnection_console=*,*,*,,,,,,1,, WebServerConnection_o4w=SYSPROG,OICONSOLE,*,,,RUN_OECGI_REQUEST,,,,, WebServerConnection_examples=EXAMPLES,EXAMPLES_O4W,*,,,RUN_OECGI_REQUEST,,,,, WebServerDefaultPage=start.htm;start.htm;oecgi4.exe/O4W_RUN_DASHBOARD?GRAPHID\=STATS_DASHBOARD_DAY WebServerConnection_*=*,*,*,,,,,,1,,,,0 »what do you show for the "Virtual directory to use to launch O4W in the IDE"? There is no value »And finally, have you tried to run the console from SYSPROG Yes, the same error Where should I be looking for the setup instructions for this to work.? </QUOTE> —- === At 27 SEP 2020 08:57AM bshumsky wrote: === <QUOTE>Hi, Barry. Probably the first place to look would be this knowledge base article on using O4W in the IDE: Working with O4W Entities in the OI10 IDE In addition, there were enhancements made to this functionality to try and make it easier to manage starting with OI 10.0.7, which you can read about in the newsletter here in the right-hand column. To summarize - you must tell each application what "virtual directory" you want to use when running the console. You _can_ use the "console" virtual directory, which is defined as logging in to the SYSPROG application, in all applications - though this could lead to confusion if you call up the console while in a different app, say MYAPP, and yet you are seeing things from the SYSPROG perspective. That's why we also introduced the (optional) concept of "dynamic virtual directories" - if you enable this feature, you can specify "*" as the "virtual directory to use" in your applications, and the engine server will create a temporary virtual directory FOR YOUR CURRENT APPLICATION. Note that this only works when being called from inside the IDE (so, not from a stand-alone browser) and ONLY when using the engine server's built in web server (so, not when using IIS or Apache). - Bryan Shumsky Revelation Software, Inc. </QUOTE> —- === At 27 SEP 2020 07:13PM Barry Stevens wrote: === <QUOTE> <QUOTE>Hi, Barry. Probably the first place to look would be this knowledge base article on using O4W in the IDE: Working with O4W Entities in the OI10 IDE In addition, there were enhancements made to this functionality to try and make it easier to manage starting with OI 10.0.7, which you can read about in the newsletter here in the right-hand column. To summarize - you must tell each application what "virtual directory" you want to use when running the console. You _can_ use the "console" virtual directory, which is defined as logging in to the SYSPROG application, in all applications - though this could lead to confusion if you call up the console while in a different app, say MYAPP, and yet you are seeing things from the SYSPROG perspective. That's why we also introduced the (optional) concept of "dynamic virtual directories" - if you enable this feature, you can specify "*" as the "virtual directory to use" in your applications, and the engine server will create a temporary virtual directory FOR YOUR CURRENT APPLICATION. Note that this only works when being called from inside the IDE (so, not from a stand-alone browser) and ONLY when using the engine server's built in web server (so, not when using IIS or Apache). - Bryan Shumsky Revelation Software, Inc.</QUOTE> I now get the O4W ogon screen, but it wont accept OICONSOLE/SYSPROG as username/password NOTE: From the KB article: »2. Create the virtual directory to "point" to the new application. If using the built-in engine server exclusively, this involves updating the configuration file, which can be done from the Settings/Engine Server dialog, on the Web Server tab: If you try to save the dialog dox entries you created for a virtual directory, it does not get saved fron the dialog box. </QUOTE> —- === At 28 SEP 2020 08:55AM bshumsky wrote: === <QUOTE>Hi, Barry. Are you trying this from SYSPROG, or from your own app? What did you put into the "Virtual directory to use" setting? Are you using the provided java runtime, or your own? Are you running the engine server in 'debug' mode, or as a service? I always suggest when getting things started for the first time to run in 'debug' mode so you can see what's going on. There should be a link in your "start programs" under OpenInsight to run the 'debug' engine server on your desktop (assuming you have stopped the service)… - Bryan Shumsky Revelation Software, Inc. </QUOTE> —- === At 28 SEP 2020 07:27PM Barry Stevens wrote: === <QUOTE> <QUOTE>Hi, Barry. Are you trying this from SYSPROG, or from your own app? What did you put into the "Virtual directory to use" setting? Are you using the provided java runtime, or your own? Are you running the engine server in 'debug' mode, or as a service? I always suggest when getting things started for the first time to run in 'debug' mode so you can see what's going on. There should be a link in your "start programs" under OpenInsight to run the 'debug' engine server on your desktop (assuming you have stopped the service)… - Bryan Shumsky Revelation Software, Inc.</QUOTE> Thanks Bryan. I dont really need to have it working and I feel this is way out of my league, so I will leave it for now. I am sure it used to work out of the box onetime. </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...