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At 04 FEB 2023 09:52:34AM Donald Bakke wrote:

So far only tested in OI 9.4.6 / AREV32.

We are working on a new Arev 3.12 to AREV32 conversion. We recently noticed odd characters appearing in PDISK filename output. We tracked this down to using CATALYST("W", WinName) after the PDISK command was started. Upon closer inspection, the odd characters appear to be AREV screen commands, like color codes.

This reminds me very much of the problem we encountered when using PUSH.SESSION/POP.SESSION in our OECGI calls. You had pointed out that those are AREV commands and they send screen commands to the engine and this was getting captured in the response stream.

Is this a variant of the same problem? Is there a workaround or potential fix?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 05 FEB 2023 06:50PM bshumsky wrote:

So far only tested in OI 9.4.6 / AREV32.

We are working on a new Arev 3.12 to AREV32 conversion. We recently noticed odd characters appearing in PDISK filename output. We tracked this down to using CATALYST("W", WinName) after the PDISK command was started. Upon closer inspection, the odd characters appear to be AREV screen commands, like color codes.

This reminds me very much of the problem we encountered when using PUSH.SESSION/POP.SESSION in our OECGI calls. You had pointed out that those are AREV commands and they send screen commands to the engine and this was getting captured in the response stream.

Is this a variant of the same problem? Is there a workaround or potential fix?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Hi, Don. Yes, the CATALYST "W" call also uses PUSH.SESSION and POP.SESSION, which means that it also sends out the commands to the engine to "do stuff", and those commands are (again) getting captured in the response stream.

I guess you could call WINDOW() yourself, after setting @SENTENCE to be "WINDOW <parameter_name>" - thus avoiding the CATALYST's call to PUSH.WINDOW and POP.WINDOW, though I don't know what other implications that might have for your screen i/o…?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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