OIConsole - Management Console - User Requirements (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 13 APR 2023 03:02:49PM Michael Lindberg wrote:
We have installed version 10.2 and have noticed that we must be logged in as SYSPROG to be able to access the management console. We also noticed that only one person at a time can be logged into the management console.
I'm not sure if this is normal so I need to ask if this is the expected behavior.
– thanks
At 14 APR 2023 08:58AM bshumsky wrote:
We have installed version 10.2 and have noticed that we must be logged in as SYSPROG to be able to access the management console. We also noticed that only one person at a time can be logged into the management console.
I'm not sure if this is normal so I need to ask if this is the expected behavior.
– thanks
Hi, Michael. No, I wouldn't expect that behavior. Can you please provide some more details, like what happens when you try to access it from another app, and what happens when more than one person tries to access it at the same time?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 17 APR 2023 04:26PM Michael Lindberg wrote:
NOTE - We did not do a lot of Management console testing before our 10.2 upgrade in our test lab, but I'm pretty sure this behavior started after the 10.2 upgrade. If there is nothing obvious as to why we might be seeing this behavior we may need to reinstall the software. If that's the case I'm not sure if we want to install 10.2 right now.
I tested the oiconsole logins using the SYSPROG account, our application's user account and a personal account; from both the server our OI application is hosted on, and from a remote host. All three accounts are configured as OI & O4W users. Currently we cannot test multiple users logging into the management console as no account but the sysprog account can log in.
logged into OI application's host
- sysprog: yes
- application-user: no
- personal account: no
logged into external host
- sysprog: yes
- application-user: no
- personal acccount: no
So when attempting to log into the OICONSOLE using any account other than SYSPROG we get the following message:
"Invalid entry - please enter user name and password"
At 18 APR 2023 09:29AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Michael. Thanks for providing additional information.
I was originally confused because your first post seemed to state the only one user at a time could run the console, but that's not what you're saying here (if I understand it correctly now). In theory, you could have two users both logged into SYSPROG, as the SYSPROG user, and the Console would (should) work.
The problem is that you want to run the console in other applications, right?
If you log into the other application in the IDE, and go to the Settings menu, Application Settings option, about half way down you'll find a section called "Engine Server." Please change the IDE O4W Virtual Directory value to "console" (without the quotes) and press OK to save the settings.
If you're logged into this other application as one of the users who has both OI and O4W permissions, calling up the Console now should bring you to the engine information screen without requiring you to log in to O4W (it should "know" you're already logged in to the IDE). If you're logged into the IDE as a user who doesn't have O4W permissions, you should be brought to the O4W login screen, and you should be able to enter the username and password of an O4W (or O4W and OI) user.
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky
At 18 APR 2023 09:47AM bshumsky wrote:
I forgot to mention that another thing you should check is on the IDE "Settings" menu, "IDE Settings" option, on the "General" tab - the value for the "Console Server Type" (under "Management Console") should be set to "Internal".
- Bryan Shumsky
At 18 APR 2023 12:26PM Michael Lindberg wrote:
Thank you Bryan … I'll be trying that this morning.
At 18 APR 2023 01:13PM Michael Lindberg wrote:
Hey Bryan,
The Application Settings "IDE O4W Virtual Directory is set to … console
The IDE Settings (General) "Console Server Type" is set to … Internal
I logged into SYSPROG from both the OI server and a remote server and was able to open the management console in both, simultaneously.
I restarted the OEngineServer v 10.0 (OpenJDK) service as a precaution, and restarted OI afterwards.
Logging in with my personal account in our non-SYSPROG application (system admin, OI & O4W settings) …
— I still get the login screen when opening the management console.
— Signing into the management console with my own credentials does not give me an error message but I'm left with a blank screen with no menu.
— Signing into the management console with the application user's credentials (also system adnim, OI & O4W user) I also get a blank screen with no menu.
— Signing into the management console with the credentials OICONSOLE & SYSPROG give the the "Invalid entry - please enter user name and password." message.
— This behavior is seen no matter where we log in from and two of my team members see the same behavior.
– thanks
At 18 APR 2023 02:18PM Michael Lindberg wrote:
I need to clear the settings up …
IDE_O4W_Virtual_Directory WAS blank and I set it to … console … before the last tests.
Console Server Type WAS already set to … Internal … before the tests were run.
At 18 APR 2023 02:22PM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Michael.
When you specify "internal" for the console server type, the OI Console actually doesn't use the web server that's built into the engine server - instead, it uses the new httpserver control that was released in OI 10.2. So you don't need to start, or restart, the engine server for these tests.
Here's what I just tried:
- Open up the IDE in the EXAMPLES application (make sure you start it with the "Run Application" checkbox _unchecked_, or with a shortcut that has /dv=1);
- Go to the Settings, User Settings menu, choose the EXAMPLES user, and set it to be both an OI and O4W user, with O4W permissions set to "Administrator";
- Go to the Settings, IDE Settings menu, General tab, and confirm that Console Server Type is "Internal";
- Go to the Settings, Application Settings menu, and confirm the IDE O4W Virtual Directory is set to "console" (no quotes, lower case);
- Go to the Consoles menu and choose Management Console
Does it start up? Did it prompt for your user name and password? Does the displayed panel (Engine Information Details) show that you're in the EXAMPLES app on the "Logged In As" line?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 18 APR 2023 03:12PM Michael Lindberg wrote:
Bryan :)
so .. O4W is new to myself and possibly my team as well because it is not in use much at all in our application. So when I read your instructions for setting up the EXAMPLES application and noticed the "O4W User Level" I knew that I had not ever noticed that setting. I went back to my personal account and checked and yep .. it was set to 'none'. I set it to Administrator and I am now able to open the management console.
I think for now this issue is resolved. I haven't tested it with anyone else yet but I'm guessing this is what the problem was.
Much Thanks,
At 18 APR 2023 03:47PM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Mike. That's why I usually find it helpful to document my steps in full when we try to diagnose these problems - many times, it's just a failure to fully communicate all the details (one way or the other).
Glad to hear that it seems to be working. Let us know if there are other problems.
- Bryan Shumsky