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At 13 JAN 2010 11:42:46AM Paxton Scott wrote:


Seems like I saw somewhere, a way for OengineServer to redirect a request in the event Oengine(s) is not available. IF so, I am hoping that a redirect could occure if the queue of requests grows.

Any help on this?

Have fun!


At 13 JAN 2010 03:40PM David Goddard wrote:

G'day Scott,

Both failover and round robin support has been built into OI V9.1 oecgi2.exe, not the oengineserver service.

You control this by setting the following OECGI2 registry values:-

*Failover mode*

Given the registry entries:




Any request to the OECGI2.EXE in that directory, reading this registry, will attempt to connect to If for some reason it can't open that port, it'll attempt to connect to; if still no success, then will be tried. If we _still_ fail, we return an error (or the SysDownPage). On the next request, we start again at, ad infinitum.

* Round Robin Mode *

With the same values for ServerURL and ServerPort, but MultipleServers changed:


Requests to OECGI2.EXE in that directory, reading this registry, will attempt to connect to either,, or with (roughly) equally chance. And if, for example, OECGI2.EXE decides to try to connect to, and it fails, it will then try, and then, before giving up (notice how it looped back around to the beginning of the listÂ…)

A HUGE thanks to Bryan for making this magic happen!

Dave G

At 13 JAN 2010 04:44PM Bob Carten wrote:

What Dave [i]meant to say is OECGI2 for OI version 9.2 will have these features, which are currently being tested by a few clients.

At 13 JAN 2010 09:02PM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

What Bob meant to say is iOECGI3/i for OI version 9.2 will have these features, which are currently being tested by a few clients.

At 14 JAN 2010 08:28AM Martin Drenovac wrote:

Guys - this is all nice, neat, swell etc.

Dave makes the comment that OECGI2 is the wonder which manages the startup / shutdown of the oengine farm.

What if I don't want to use OECGI (ala using RoR) and want to use socket server - how can I manage the same outcomes?


At 14 JAN 2010 12:41PM Bob Carten wrote:

Hi Martin,

OECGI is client program which makes socket calls to the oengine server. The calls to the socket server are modeled after the JD3 protocol, described at Anyone can write a socket server client in their language of choice. Round robin and failover occur in that client, so implementing failover and round robin would using tool and techniques appropriate for the client language. Some unsupported examples of logging in to the socketserver and running a request can be found at the links below.

Ruby OECGI example

PHP OECGI example

C# OeSocket server example is not OECGI equivalent, but you get the idea.

Basic+ Socket server example

At 14 JAN 2010 01:54PM Paxton Scott wrote:


Thanks for the code examples.

So I can do some registry settings in 9.2 and point my failures somewhere OR, I can 'roll my own' now in my choice of languages..

sounds good to me.

Have fun,


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