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At 08 MAY 2000 01:03:07PM wrote:

I tried to recreate the zoom function in OI by following the document provided on RTI's site (Creating Zoom Functionality…Novermber 1997).

As far as I can tell, I've followed the instructions. This is what happens when I press the F3 accelerator key.

First time: "FS100 Record %1% does not exist"

Next time and all subsequent time: "The Entry is locked and may not be modified. Do you wish to continue to view the entity."

Also when I don't hide the menu option "Zoom", I see the words "F3" and "Zoom" sqeezed together when the form is runned. In design mode, all I see is "Zoom".

Does any one have any ideas or suggestions. Thanks.

I will also post this on the otherside. onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 09 MAY 2000 10:53AM WinWin/Revelation Technical Support wrote:


The FS100 error is a 'record does not exist on read or delete' error-it sound like there is a name discrepency between what you're calling and what really exists- did you name the program or window differently than what you are calling?

The menu behavior you describe is normal- you cannot have an accelerator key on top level menus or you'll see the squish- Maybe make the menu choice invisible and teach the users about F3?

Hope it helps-

Mike Ruane

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