Deployment in OI 7.1 (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 29 JUL 2005 05:12:25PM Don Pederson wrote:
I have always found deployment to be a dicey operation in OI, and it seems that when versions change, I have problems. I have searched the web site, and have determined that the least problimatic approach is:
Start with a clean installation of OpenInsight
Create the application
Load a Upgrade/Module RDK that contains every component in the application
Copy any data volumes over
Add all the tables with the Database Manager
Assign a primary application window and banner, create users
Replace the development engine with a runtime engine.
It is the last step that I am a bit confused about. I have read posts that indicate that we have to send our OENGINE.RUN to Revsoft to get a single user engine that works. Is that still necessary?
I have followed all the above steps and the app works in development mode, but when I remove the development oengine and rename to oengine.dll I get an "OpenInsight failed to boot up" error.
What am I doing wrong?
Don Pederson
At 01 AUG 2005 03:56AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
See Issue Id. 245 in Open Issues in the Bub Tracker for a work around.
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 01 AUG 2005 05:03PM Don Pederson wrote:
Thanks for the pointer. It sounds like I will need to reinstall OI 7.1 and follow the steps listed in 245, and then do the 7.1.1 upgrade. Is that right, or do I need to go back earlier than 7.1? It isn't clear since it mentions 7.x
At 02 AUG 2005 07:37AM Richard Bright wrote:
Sorry but you may have to go earlier in the 4.x series. Doesnt take long.
At 02 AUG 2005 10:38AM Don Pederson wrote:
How much earlier?
It seems like there could be something done to get around this problem with less messing around. The biggest (about the only) gripe I have with OI is that deploying has always been a pain. I was hoping that 7.1.1 would fix that. I would rather have fewer new features and a deployment system that works.
Maybe 7.1.2 or 7.2…
At 02 AUG 2005 05:07PM Richard Bright wrote:
I cant be sure how far back - from the introduction of the v4 series when you had to get a re-issued from Rev - I had problems and got in the habit of separately upgrading and saving off the single user runtime engine.
If you dont have archived versions that are good, it just takes an email to send your development engine in to RevSoft Customer Service and they will re-issue a matching SUR engine with your serial stamp.
As for the RDK - by and large I dont have any problems. A little bit of enhancement and tweaking would be great - indeed with a little bit of effort the core components could reworked into an all-powerful Repository Manager. I have seen one particularlly good prototype. Some RDK enhancements were trialled but didnt make it to the most recent release. Guess its all a matter of priorities.
Richard Bright
BrightIdeas New Zealand