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At 30 JUN 2021 08:43:27AM Joshua Goddard wrote:

2 users are getting the following error message in OI 9.4 (on Windows 10):

Not enough memory to continue. Close some applications and try again.

Is this error raised by Open Insight? Their OIs are only using 20mb of memory according to Task Manager, and there is plenty of available memory according to Task Manager.

At 30 JUN 2021 09:46AM Jared Bratu wrote:

After the error has appeared the memory might already be free. Can you monitor it with task manager prior to the error occurring and see if oinsight.exe gradually increases in memory usage before the error appears? I'm thinking it will drop after OI crashes which is why it's only 20mb.

At 01 JUL 2021 08:06PM Joshua Goddard wrote:

Good point. I will try this.

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