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At 15 JUN 2010 02:58:25AM Tony Ayling wrote:

On a fresh OI 9.1.1 - I a trying to use rdkinstall to bring in updates (from previous version) and get 'too may parameters passed'.

Any body else have this problem?

At 15 JUN 2010 03:50AM Bill Caisley wrote:

At 15 JUN 2010 01:09PM Jared Bratu wrote:

When working with the RDK you sent I received the same issue. The easiest work around for me was to use the APPBACKUP to move the entire application from an old OI repository to a new one.

At 04 MAR 2011 06:01PM B Shindler wrote:

I need to replace the RDKMODULEINSTALL object in 9.2 that I clobbered with an older version of %RUN%. Is the 9.2 object available so I don't have to re-install 9.2 to get it?

At 06 MAR 2011 06:24PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Install a copy of 9.2 then rdk the object from sysobj

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