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At 07 MAR 2007 03:21:49PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Hello all -

Is there a limit in 4.1.3 to the number of items that can be installed via RDK? I have a SYSUPGRADE table with over 21,000 items (all dictionaries) that hangs when installing.



At 08 MAR 2007 05:44AM Richard Bright wrote:


While there is possibly some limitations in RDK in earlier OI versions, it is less likely relate to item limit AS in your case you are merely copying records into the SYSUPGRADE table and then out again in the RDK extract. We know that table record limits are many quantums above what you are dealing with.

More likely you have a Dict copy issue such as MFS, index, or else target table not attached.

Richard Bright

At 08 MAR 2007 09:56AM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


I do not recall, but there may have been a 64k limit left hanging in the RDK.


At 08 MAR 2007 10:37AM Bob Carten wrote:

Mike -

Are you creating new tables?

Checked the source for RDKMODULEINSTALL, No 64k limit AFAIK

However, there is a comment:

* known RDK bug: cannot deploy just a dictionary

* work-around: create the dictionary in the deployment

* and copy all of the dictionary records into

* the SYSUPGRADE table; this will also create

* any indexes on that table that existed in

* the development system

You can try modifying the %PROCESS% record in the SYSUPGRADES table to have a section with "CREATE TABLES", and list of your tables, then copy all of the dict items into the SYSUPGRADES table with ID of DICTNAME/COLNAME

- Bob

At 08 MAR 2007 02:12PM Mike Ruane wrote:

Did you look at the 4.1.3 source?

At 09 MAR 2007 10:32AM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Thanks for all of the responses; I suspect we have an index issue somewhere that is hanging the process, most other things we have trapped.

Mike O.

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