Dialog Box V9 (System Editor)
At 08 OCT 2020 11:01:33PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
When calling a dialog box and one of the paramaters is @window then it gets replaced with the window name
ie we use a dialog box to check email details before it sent
and if an email address is xyz@windowslive.com
then it comes into the createparamater as xyzACTUALWINDOWNAMEslive.com
Haven't tested version 10 as yet..
At 09 OCT 2020 12:21AM Donald Bakke wrote:
When calling a dialog box and one of the paramaters is @window then it gets replaced with the window name
ie we use a dialog box to check email details before it sent
and if an email address is xyz@windowslive.com
then it comes into the createparamater as xyzACTUALWINDOWNAMEslive.com
Haven't tested version 10 as yet..
This is expected in OI 9. @Window, @Self, @Event, @Param1-6, are replaceable parameters that just get swapped intransit. Your email contains @Window within it.
At 09 OCT 2020 05:34AM Carl Pates wrote:
It will be the same in v10