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At 29 JUN 2021 02:32:38PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Should setting ATRECORD cause the SAVEWARN property to be set? I would have thought so given its purpose, but I'm not seeing the SAVEWARN property being set.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 29 JUN 2021 03:42PM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Don,

ATRECORD doesn't touch SAVEWARN - as it has to be called via a program it doesn't make any assumptions about the SAVEWARN state and leaves that up to the developer when ATRECORD is set.


Carl Pates

At 29 JUN 2021 03:46PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Hi Don,

ATRECORD doesn't touch SAVEWARN - as it has to be called via a program it doesn't make any assumptions about the SAVEWARN state and leaves that up to the developer when ATRECORD is set.


Carl Pates

Thanks for the confirmation. I no longer have to call my code a "workaround" but rather "as intended". :)

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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