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At 28 JUN 2020 09:14:37AM rdhull50 wrote:

Can a Window Form control have more than one (Validation) Valid property?

I want a control to NOT contain a value that is in a table AND also be numeric.

I have for the Valid property, <Visits_History,N> which works, but also want to add either

nN or (MD0) as a validation.

Adding it as a second line doesn't work.




At 28 JUN 2020 09:50AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Multiple lines should work but they don't seem to.

I have just experimented with <ORDERS,N>_0N and it does what you want.

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 28 JUN 2020 10:17AM rdhull50 wrote:

Thanks, Andrew

At 29 JUN 2020 12:21AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Multiple lines should work but they don't seem to.

Did you mean multiple lines don't work at all or don't work the way rdhull50 was expecting them to? I thought concatenating validations on the same line with a delimiter was always the way to perform an implicit AND. Validations on multiple lines was how to perform an implicit OR.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 29 JUN 2020 05:20AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Don, you are, of course, correct. I tested incorrectly looking for the wrong result whilst simultaneously confusing VALID with ICONVs which stack as ANDed when multivalued.

The Sprezzatura Group

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World leaders in all things RevSoft

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