Window form - Valid property (IDE(New 10+))
At 28 JUN 2020 09:14:37AM rdhull50 wrote:
Can a Window Form control have more than one (Validation) Valid property?
I want a control to NOT contain a value that is in a table AND also be numeric.
I have for the Valid property, <Visits_History,N> which works, but also want to add either
nN or (MD0) as a validation.
Adding it as a second line doesn't work.
At 28 JUN 2020 09:50AM Andrew McAuley wrote:
Multiple lines should work but they don't seem to.
I have just experimented with <ORDERS,N>_0N and it does what you want.
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 28 JUN 2020 10:17AM rdhull50 wrote:
Thanks, Andrew
At 29 JUN 2020 12:21AM Donald Bakke wrote:
Multiple lines should work but they don't seem to.
Did you mean multiple lines don't work at all or don't work the way rdhull50 was expecting them to? I thought concatenating validations on the same line with a delimiter was always the way to perform an implicit AND. Validations on multiple lines was how to perform an implicit OR.
At 29 JUN 2020 05:20AM Andrew McAuley wrote:
Don, you are, of course, correct. I tested incorrectly looking for the wrong result whilst simultaneously confusing VALID with ICONVs which stack as ANDed when multivalued.
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