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At 27 MAR 2020 12:13:57PM Mike ONeal wrote:

Hey folks -

We have an 8.0.8 site throwing a Filing System Installation Failed message followed by a RevCreateEngineFail. No FS number returned, the oeprofile.log is short and sweet. Can anyone shed some light and a resolution on this? Thanks much, Mike O.


RTP57 93
	RTP57A 171
	RTP57A 171 0
	RTP57A 187
	RTP57A 187 0
	RTP57A 187
	RTP57A 187 0
RTP57 187 94
RTP50 187
RTP50 187 0
	RTP57A 187
	RTP57A 187 0


At 28 MAR 2020 10:30AM Richard Hunt wrote:

My notes show that I had a similar issue years ago. Maybe this will help, maybe it will not. The error I got that was similar was as follows…

Filing system installation failed. (RTP57 - FS error#) Openengine cannot continue.

I do believe that this error is from an MFS "installing". So if you are using a custom MFS be sure that it exists and it is working properly. If not then rebuild the database (noted below) and do not include or attach tables that use the effected or custom MFS. At least that way you can open the OI application and work on the custom MFS.

With a little help from others I was told to rebuild my database file (.DBT) in the Openinsight OS directory or folder. My method to rebuild the database was to do the following…

1) Backup or copy the whole Openinsight OS directory or folder.

2) Delete the .DBT file that you are getting the error from.

3) Copy the SYSPROG.DBT to the .DBT you deleted in #2.

4) Start OpenInsight for that application or database.

5) Run Database Manager. Attach all tables for that application or database. Then save the database.

6) Close OpenInsight and restart OpenInsight.

Also maybe this link might help (Jared Bartu's entry)… Your text to link here...

At 29 MAR 2020 07:01PM Mike ONeal wrote:

Thanks much Richard - over the years I have had to go down this road as well. I will investigate further and report back to the forum. Mike

At 29 MAR 2020 08:52PM Mike ONeal wrote:

Hello all -

I did a file-by-file comparison to an older (2018) copy I have from this site and saw there were four files missing:



When I copied these into their 2020 system I was able to log in again.

Is this a copacetic solution?

Can any shed some light on why this (seemingly…) resolves the issue?

Thanks much,

Mike O.

At 30 MAR 2020 12:40AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Hello all -

I did a file-by-file comparison to an older (2018) copy I have from this site and saw there were four files missing:



When I copied these into their 2020 system I was able to log in again.

Is this a copacetic solution?

Can any shed some light on why this (seemingly…) resolves the issue?

Thanks much,

Mike O.

If the folder was indeed missing those files then the problem you originally described would most definitely occur. REVREPOS.* is your Repository and REVPOSIX.* is your Repository Index. Both are critical to OI.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 30 MAR 2020 10:37AM Mike ONeal wrote:

Thanks Don - MIke

At 01 APR 2020 10:03AM bshumsky wrote:

Thanks Don - MIke

Hi, Mike. I was wondering if you had any guess as to how those files might have "disappeared"? If it was something like antivirus quarantining them, then the problem could arise again. Just something to look out for…

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 03 APR 2020 03:05PM Mike ONeal wrote:

Great question Bryan, I have asked my site the same question. If I find out I will update the board. Unsettling to say the least!

Mike O.

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