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I expected that when I triggered the CLICK event of a radio button using SEND_EVENT, that the value would change since that is what happens when the user actually clicks the control. All my code is called, but the value of the radio button does not change. While I can change the VALUE property before calling the CLICK event, I was hoping that sending the CLICK event would have the same behavior as the physical click of the control.

If a user clicks on a radio button, when does the VALUE actually change? Is there some other event that is triggered?

At 11 AUG 2011 01:45PM Bob Orsini wrote:

Mary Jean, the value of a Radio button is not the same as an event. You could have more than 2 values. How would the system know what value you wanted. You must change the value before sending the click event. Same with a check box. Send Event clcik does not change the values.

At 16 AUG 2011 05:57PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Honest mistake. Some event handlers simply respond to user actions whereas other event handlers actually perform the action requested. Generally this is the difference between a physical and programmatic event. Click type events are physical and thus they are merely responders. Thus no values are changed as a result of sending the click event to the radio button.

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