How to delete an application without password (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 24 APR 2023 05:01:25PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
I have an old application in my 10 that I just don't care about. want it deleted but can't figure out the password.
How can it be deleted.
At 24 APR 2023 09:40PM bshumsky wrote:
I have an old application in my 10 that I just don't care about. want it deleted but can't figure out the password.
How can it be deleted.
Hi, David. In SYSPROG in the IDE, under the Settings menu, "Users" option, there's a choice "Reset application password." Select that, and then choose the application you wish to delete, and give it a new password. You can then log into the app with that new password and delete it (Settings, Application Settings).
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky
At 24 APR 2023 09:59PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Thanks .. i'll give that a try
Have a great evening