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At 20 AUG 2021 07:32:28PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi folks -

Yesterday I reran the OI 10.8.1 update AGAIN and in doing so it blew out my domain rules like URL Rewrite to the point I was getting a 404 error when loading up an O4W page.

BUT - when I restored my entire OI 10 directory (and sub directories and files) backup made before the update attempt, all the URL Rewrite info and everything in IIS came back to life and my O4W pages were working again.

That said can someone more familiar with IIS tell me where under the OI 10 directory that IIS domain specific info is stored and where apparently I initially set that up.



At 20 AUG 2021 11:47PM Jared Bratu wrote:


IIS stores it's configuration in a file called 'web.config', It's probably the 'o4w\web.config' file that has your rewrite rules and customizations.

At 21 AUG 2021 06:41AM BrianWick wrote:

hi jared


And for each domain i set up the basic settings physical path:


is my way of telling IIS to put the web.config file in that directory ?

or is there other places


would be mentioned in IIS

tx for your help


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