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At 24 MAR 2009 11:33:47AM Dale Jessop wrote:


Is it possible to have multiple and different images on a Hierarchical Listbox?

Any help would be appreciated.


At 24 MAR 2009 06:32PM Colin Rule wrote:

Sorry if I sound like a SRP convert (although I am), the SRP tree control supports multiple images.


At 25 MAR 2009 01:37PM Dale Jessop wrote:

Hi Colin,

I have to say I would be intested in the controls if they weren't licensed per serial as we have a rather large user-base and it would not be cost effective.

I might put a call into the guys at SRP and see what they could do…

At 25 MAR 2009 06:43PM Colin Rule wrote:

I am sure Don Bakke will advise, but the paid licence per serial is for the developer. It is free for the runtimes, as far as I am aware.


At 26 MAR 2009 04:31AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


What exactly are you trying to achieve? Not sure what you mean by "multiple images" …

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 26 MAR 2009 05:01AM Dale Jessop wrote:

Hi guys,

Thanks for the response on the status bar and embedding a progress bar in it.

I suppose what I am after is a proper Treeview control, from what I've seen it either means doing this via OLE and the MS control, or using a 3rd party control, i.e. SRP

At 30 MAR 2009 02:00PM Martyn D Phillips wrote:

One of my example applications has exactly what Dales is looking for using OI's standard HLB and I will be running through the example with him shortly.

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