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At 17 AUG 2023 08:39:04AM Gordon Heidtmann wrote:

We have a batch process which runs overnight, which consists of an Arev32 system and a OI10 system running simultaneously, and handing control between the two systems as required. The process runs for several hours and requires someone to monitor it periodically, to deal with any system failure or the debugger being invoked.

We'd like to try and do away with the requirement of having someone monitoring the systems. To do so, we'd need to be able to programmatically identify if one of the above scenarios occurred.

I'm looking for any suggestions on how best to go about this please? Are there any system log files which we could monitor, for both systems, which might help?

At 17 AUG 2023 09:20AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Gordon,

You can use a Debugger Intercept stored procedure to capture and log issues that would cause OI to hit the debugger. Other types of crashes GPFs etc) would need user dumps to be configured in the OS to trace fully, though they should be logged to the Windows Event Log regardless.


Carl Pates

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