Promoted Events - Semantic Logic Layer Confusion (None Specified)
At 17 OCT 1999 10:06:11AM [url=]Sprezzatura Ltd[/url] wrote:
[notag]Hi chaps
It would seem that the options event handler is at too low a level in the promoted chain for my liking. I'm trying to have one generic handler at the App*..OIWIN* level to use this as a dispatcher. Unfortunately OPTIONS seems to be handled at the SYSPROG*OPTIONS..OIWIN* level. Frankly this is a PITA as it means that I need to have a promoted event specifically for options and frankly the less promoted events I have the happier I am.
Is this a design feature or will it ever be changed?
[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to send me Email?';return(true)">Andrew McAuley</A>]
[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)">Sprezzatura Group</A>]
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At 21 OCT 1999 10:37AM Donald Bakke wrote:
So far we've never attempted to promote the OPTIONS event at any level. However, just to ask the obvious question: have you enforced the OPTIONS event to see if this makes a difference?
At 26 OCT 1999 04:56AM [url=]Sprezzatura Ltd[/url] wrote:
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[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to send me Email?';return(true)">Andrew McAuley</A>]
[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)">Sprezzatura Group</A>]
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, which means that your APP*OPTIONS..OIWIN* event would only be a couple of lines of code, which all-in-all does not seem so bad. But I'll assume you don't want to do that, since you would have already done it, and I'll also assume that you don't want to over-ride: function resolveEventHandler(appid, reposType, controlid, controlClass, event, genericLevel, cache) … which is of course called by Run_Event (without the last parameter, which is of course optional). Not that you care, but the genericLevel parameter is an in/out parameter which corresponds of course to the level at which the event is found, probably like: <code> <code> begin case case eventN=1 eventid=thisAppid : KEYSEP$ : qEvent : "." : reposType : KEYSEP$ case eventN=2 eventid=thisAppid : KEYSEP$ : event : ".." : reposType : KEYSEP$ case eventN=3 eventid=thisAppid : KEYSEP$ : ".." : reposType : KEYSEP$ case eventN=4 eventid=thisAppid : KEYSEP$ : qEvent : KEYSEP$ case eventN=5 eventid=thisAppid : KEYSEP$ : event : KEYSEP$ end case </code> </code> I'm sure that a simple shell (using Send_Info for output) would be enlightening, although I'm not suggesting that you could use a shell to re-order the event chain or anything like that, even though getForwardHandler in Run_Event uses: handlerInfo=resolveEventHandler(genericAppid, reposType, workControlId, controlClass, event, genericLevel) Of course, if you don't want the SYSPROG OPTIONS implementation at all, you could just create a repository entry for it and mark it as non-shareable. But that seems potentially dangerous. Remember to log out/back in and recompile application windows after changing event chaining order, since the first generic event will be compiled into the window exe if enforced and no window-/control-level event exists. Also remember that anything listed in SYSENV/SYSPROCNAMES is not subject to application overloading. In other words, it will be looked for in SYSPROG only (meaning SYSOBJ/) instead of following the event chain. So if you decide to override system level functions on an application-by-application basis, then remove them from SYSPROCNAMES (which also allows you to save/compile them). Cameron Purdy Revelation Software </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...