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At 27 JUN 2022 04:29:08PM Bruce Cameron wrote:


Trying to figure out a problem with a OI SQL connector that has been working fine for 12+ months.

While doing so, have noticed that when using COUNT, LIST, READNEXT or the OI SQL Query window results will vary. Is that normal? Count seems to be able to read all the records in the actual SQL table as does the SQL Query window however LIST and READNEXT only return a few records.

Admittedly my SQL knowledge is novice so wondering is there an obvious explanation? Also wondering if Rev has any existing documentation that takes a deep dive into the SQL tools offered?

Thanks. OI 9.4 UD 5.x

At 28 JUN 2022 11:07AM bob carten wrote:

Hi Bruce,

Are there blobs or binary data in the SQL table? For example, an image or a pdf? If so, try taking those columns out of the dataset.

At 28 JUN 2022 11:34AM Bruce Cameron wrote:

Hi Bob,

Possibly esp. since it is a document imaging system :wink: - but the SQL table is populated by a custom process that is supposed to be only text with a unique document_id for us to link to within the dataset.

That said, I do see some strange rows in the OI SQL Query window. Going to try clearing the SQL table and see what happens.

Thanks for the tip!!

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