RevG on NT Server (None Specified)
At 27 APR 1998 09:20:42PM Simon Yiu wrote:
Which network driver should I use if I install RevG on NT Server?
Simon Yiu
At 28 APR 1998 09:47AM Tracy Graves wrote:
Well, I don't think you have a choice of installing one other than what is available in the RevG system, so as long as you are using DOS/win 3.1 workstations I would use whichever one is most appropriate for your server (so not the Novell driver, if you're server is NT). If you are going to be using Win 95/WinNT workstations, you are pretty much out of luck as far as using a network driver that can handle the locking issues of these workstations.
Tracy Revelation
At 07 MAY 1998 07:23AM Glenn Bryant wrote:
Simon, we use the DOS 3.1 driver for WIN 95 and NT systems with our application written in AREV 1.15. I think the same driver was available in REVG.
glenn bryant