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At 12 APR 2010 01:49:33AM Martin Drenovac wrote:

Curious to know how I can programatically verify table indices are in place (exist) and correct.

Have a couple of unexplained occurrences where the same select produces different results, and the select is using indices to get to the data.

Thank you

At 12 APR 2010 08:27AM Dave Harmacek wrote:

In my experience this has happened because a revelation delimiter is in the key of some row or rows of the table that is indexed. This causes a misalignment of the btree structure that depends upon where in the structure the bad key exists. So, some searches are fine, others skewed.

So, I make a program that scans all keys looking for those that contain revelation delimiters and make a SYSLISTS (or LISTS) entry, and save the bad rows with valid keys.


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