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At 25 AUG 1999 09:28:55AM Oystein Reigem wrote:

Here's something I tried to ask about on the plebeian list, but having got no reply I take the posting to the Works list instead:

…I still need some help with the Windows API MessageBox function, so I'd be very grateful for a nudge in the right direction. I've no problem with running it from a window, but as you might have guessed I want it to work from the System Editor.

I quote from the online Reference article on the Msg function:

"To display a message without being in event context (for example, if code is executed from the system editor) use the Windows API function MessageBox. This requires SYSTEM MODAL to be set and all string parameters to be terminated with char(0)."

My questions is: Why do I still get the message "The stored procedure can be executed in event-context only"?

And if that can be circumvented - what should I use for the handle parameter? And which modality? 1? (1=application modality.)

- Oystein -

At 25 AUG 1999 01:11PM - [url=]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

[notag]Hi Oystein,

Call MessageBox( 0, "Some Text" : \00\, "Some Title" : \00\, 4096 )

Passing in zero ( NULL in C-speak ) forces the Message to use the screen.

The 4096 is the setting for System Modal..

Not very pretty but works from the system editor…( Well for me anyway :-)

[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to send me Email?';return(true)">Carl Pates</A>]

[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)">Sprezzatura Group</A>]

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At 26 AUG 1999 07:19AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


…I believe the appearance 'problem' may be due to the System modal setting - it's the same message type that you used to get with GPF's so I think it's hardcoded - System Modal messages are designed so that you take notice of them - I suppose a big ugly white message on the screen qualifies for this….

Certainly. But if you add stuff like mb_Ok and mb_IconInformation it's not big and white and ugly and scary anymore. Just try.

- Oystein -

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