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At 22 MAY 2000 05:10:45PM Paxton Scott wrote:

At 23 MAY 2000 10:37AM Donald Bakke wrote:

In theory you should also be able to trap the SYSMSG event and post your own message in lieu of Revelation's message. However, we've discovered there is a bug in OI and this event doesn't get called like it should.

SRP Computer Solutions

At 23 MAY 2000 10:43AM Paxton Scott wrote:

Oh, Yes, the cursor is placed in the control. So, if it knows how to get to the control, it should be able to put the control name in the message….shouldn't it??

[url=]ARCS, Inc.

At 23 MAY 2000 10:44AM Paxton Scott wrote:

Sure, I've written a lot of code for special cases, it just seems this should be a standard deal, so I thought maybe I was missing something.

[url=]ARCS, Inc.

At 23 MAY 2000 12:06PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

Paxton ..

I had a conversation with RTI about this some time ago. The gist of their response is that the Name of a control is about as useful to a user as spit (DBEDITLINE_23, for example). OI only knows the name of the control. It also probably knows the name of the DICT.ELEMENT as well but doesn't do anything with it trapping the required fields. Anyway, rather than put out something confusing, they put out something that is pretty useless. That's why I don't make any fields required in the form. Another problem is that if you try to get out of a form with required field (via a pushbutton, for example), you will get the error message on lost-focus and be put right back there until you put something in it. Ugh!! Instead, we take a pass through the form to check for required or conditionally required fields and display a human-readable error. That's one of the things that what makes OI / Windows a more costly development process than tatty old AREV.

Don Miller

C3 Inc.

At 23 MAY 2000 12:41PM WinWin/Revelation Technical Support wrote:


OI knows which control is missing required data, but since the label is not connected to the editline (as it was in Arev) it isn't that useful.


Mike Ruane

At 23 MAY 2000 03:18PM Oystein Reigem wrote:

But couldn't OI use the COLUMN property of the control and find the field name at least? Silly old OI! :-)

Tell you what. There should be an entry in the dictionary for a "user friendly" field name, in addition to the normal "internal" name. With "user friendly" name I mean a descriptive, but not too long name - one that's meaningful to a user. (I admit it isn't always possible to make a user friendly name for a field, but often it is.) Then OI could use that name in warning messages.

Yes I know there's an entry meant for headings in columnar reports. But a heading must often be short and crisp and therefore not so descriptive.

And the Table Builder should have columns for such names, to make it easier to get them into the dictionary.

- Oystein -

At 24 MAY 2000 10:36AM Paxton Scott wrote:

I'd at least like the editline name displayed. But the column name or the display name are good too as well as Øystein's suggestion. Can we get to this code and "fix" it?

[url=]ARCS, Inc.

At 24 MAY 2000 10:42AM Paxton Scott wrote:

Thanks for the input Don, of course I don't agree with RTI since I have contol over the control's name. And I choose not to use the system generated name, but I use the field name…whoops, ROW name.

On the form where you check required, you could ckeck display control name, and then you could turn it on or off, In addition, you could have a place to put a piece of text or a call a routine. As you said, a simple check box then show nothing is not of much use.


[url=]ARCS, Inc.

At 24 MAY 2000 12:48PM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Hey - what's that funny looking letter!!?? The one that looks like an O that someone had second thoughts about! I gave up on using that a long time ago. :-)

Btw - that character's an endless source of amusement to me. E.g through my MSDN membership I get letters, magazines and CD shipments mailed to all of






- Oystein -

At 24 MAY 2000 04:07PM Paxton Scott wrote:

My Wife is a Turk, so I am sensitive to "funny" characters!


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