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At 23 MAR 2021 04:25:08PM Roberto Righini wrote:

Hi everybody,

I have a csv file consisting of 1500 lines and 15 columns.

Each line contains an equalisation curve in its detail.

Using OI and the popup function and setting typeoverride with the whole array, i have as result a great table and very quickly.

now, i'm traying to do the same but using O4W.

Unfortunately, I could not find the same solution for O4W. I tried to use O4WPopup, but I can't add the array in one go like in OI, so creating the form() takes 1500 steps and more. I tried with for() and loop – bremove, but it take too many time.

I also tried using a listbox. Better for time (not great but better) but usage was impossible.

i'm asking if you have any other idea to implement, or it exist something that look like the OI version.

Thx a lot


At 24 MAR 2021 07:25AM D Harmacek wrote:

You have a very large number of rows to display.

Take a look at the O4W Reporting (LIST) and see how they provide for pagination. This is to provide the first browser page promptly.

Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA

At 30 MAR 2021 10:17AM Roberto Righini wrote:

Yes I know, but unfortunately I need to create a system that permit me to choose one row and then display all details.

Now "only" the first time is very slow. Then thx to cache the display speed is much better.

At 13 APR 2021 08:23AM Roberto Righini wrote:

About O4WPopup, what is the array structure using O4W_LINKTYPE_POPUP$? Or a "real" example?

I build the array with @vm (row) and @svm (columns) but I can't even get the popup to appear.

here just the popup "call", with curveList as array.


I also find some different O4Wpopup structure with 6 or 7 parameters..

At 13 APR 2021 08:34AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Roberto.

Yes, the number of parameters that need to be specified will vary depending on the type of O4W popup you wish to create - a popup can be made out of an O4W report, for example, or an OI or AREV popup - and how you want the popup to be triggered.

In the specific case of the O4W_LINKTYPE_POPUP$, what's expected in parameter 4 is the same information you would pass into an OI popup as the "override" information. According to what you've shown here, you are calling a popup that's named "Popup" and passing in the curveList as the "override" information. I'm guessing the popup named "Popup" doesn't really exist, so the entire definition for the popup must come from the "override" information.

If you aren't familiar with the way an OI popup is called, please take a look at the help for the "Popup function", and you'll see that the "override" information allows you to specify the full details of the popup you want to see, but in a very specific format, so you'll have to put the data in exactly as described in the help.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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