Screen Appearance (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 21 AUG 2002 11:50:03AM Jackie Jones wrote:
We're in the position to make drastic
changes to the appearance of our software.
So far we've been focusing on getting our software
to behave. Looks have been secondary.
Our stuff has great flow and lots of nice features.
(We're not using MDI and don't want to. The other works better for us)
We're getting ready to put in:
]bmp check boxes with combined text across the top for options
like save, print, delete, close etc. instead ofpulldown menu options.]floating toolbar for most often used screens and utilities
]tabbed screens instead of showing everything on one screen
]custom colors like soft beige, etc.
Could anyone share some ideas of attractive screens?
Any ideas will help.
Donald, some of our customers are really excited about
new screen layouts, mostly as a result
of your talk at the conference. We appreciate your help.
Thanks - Jackie
At 21 AUG 2002 12:05PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Were you there or just your customers? If I had done my job right they would be pushing you to go MDI!
]bmp check boxes with combined text across the top for options like save, print, delete, close etc. instead of pulldown menu options.
I think you really mean PUSHBMP's, i.e. buttons with BMP's. This is easy, just create a BMP with a minimum of two-stages (the "up" look and the "down" look) and then tell your pushbutton to use this BMP after you have loaded it into the repository. If you want to get fancy and have float-over affects and such then you will need to investigate how to do that (several posts over the years have discussed more or less how to do this) or get a drop-in routine like Sprezz's Button_97() or our Coolbar_Menu() to do this for you.
]floating toolbar for most often used screens and utilities
Do you mean a true floating toolbar, i.e. a modeless dialog box? What will be on this toolbar?
]tabbed screens instead of showing everything on one screen
Pretty soon you can create tabbed controls using the WinAPI commands or just drop in an OCX control but if you want to do this now then we believe the easiest approach is to create a BMP with all of the tabs within it. This needs to be a multi-frame BMP where each frame represents one tab having focus. Then use the BUTTONDOWN event to trap the mouseclick and then switch pages and the frame in the bitmap simultaneously.
]custom colors like soft beige, etc.
Where are these colors going to be seen? Are we talking about the background color of the window or different bitmaps that will be on the form?
At 21 AUG 2002 12:29PM wrote:
to follow up on Don's comments .. there are a couple great books on GUI design and I would stongly suggest you take a look at them. One of them is from Microsoft press and several from Wiley publishing. I wish I had the names handy (why would I need to read those
but before going to the time and expense you might want to do some reading.
I have found that at times developers (of course i would never do this) tend to do things that actually get in the way of the user and their work. I am sure that you will be but please be very careful in your facelift.
Reminds me of the recent 'Sex in the City' show where Miranda (no .. not her) got a chemical peel before a big event .. tore the skin right off her face ..
Things like a tabbed interface, multipage etc can be much better BUT there have been a couple of situations I have been in where the user really really liked their BIG SCREEN approach. They needed all the info right there .. no clicking. Just data ..
So be careful out there .. onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 503-639-4240
OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)
OI: 4.1 beta (pre 082002)
At 21 AUG 2002 01:47PM Donald Bakke wrote:
there are a couple great books on GUI design and I would stongly suggest you take a look at them
We've learned a lot from the following:
The Elements of User Interface Design - Theo Mandel / Wiley Publishing
About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design - Alan Cooper / IDG Books
The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design - Microsoft Press
At 21 AUG 2002 03:00PM Bob Carten, WinWin / RevTech wrote:
Great list of books Don.
One more good one is
Access 97 Expert Solutions by Stan Lezynski (QUE Press )
Wrong product but lots of good information. In particular he recommends the SDI approach for database screens, so It should help you Jackie. He makes the point that tabbed dialogs are just a variation on SDI. I have played with using an MDI screen as the "Single Document", using Sheets as Panels, with one sheet on the left having nothing but a read only edit table that lists all the rows, kind of like a visible qbf list. The sheets do the real editing. The sheets are simple windows, bound to a single row in a single table, so little coding is needed on them. The frame acts as a container for the sheets. The whole unit behaves as a single document. A way to get the same effect as a tabbed dialog where different tabs change different tables. Copy msAccess behavior and save the data without prompting whenever the user moves to a different row or sheet. If you need transactions then you will need to do more a lot more work with the frame events.
Hope this helps
At 21 AUG 2002 03:10PM Jackie Jones wrote:
Wow that was fast!
Thanks so much to you both.
Yes Donald. You knocked the socks off our customers.
They went to the show without us. I guess that means
we need to be charging more.
Thank you for the book list.
I have discussed the tab question with my customers.
Some do like to see everything on one screen, but
they are already set and we're not messing with theirs.
These excited customers and
the new customers coming up have confirmed they do
want the tabbed look. The 'windows' look.
We did watch that episode with the face lift on HBO.
This will affect everything. We feel brave.
Ok. 1. Thanks to your previous help I do know
how to make the bmps and edit them to make
them appear 3-d. Both as buttons and check boxes.
So that works great.
2. Thanks to your help on previous discussions I
know how to do the tabbed thing. With the bmp tabs
in colors to match the group box. Which was throwing
me for a loop because the standard OI tab ended up
always being the same color as the main screen background.
So I got that down.
3. The color edit thing, I'm using custom colors for the
tab group box and tabs. Because… the standard colors
are too bright or stark or something. Beige looks nicer.
My display is set at High Color 16 Bit. I think our
customers will have that or better. Is that a safe bet?
Is that not a safe bet?
4. Thanks to your previous help, Donald, I know how to
do the floating tool bar. But I was going to use it for
universal things, like going to the Customer Master,
Vendor Master, Inventory Master, look up Inventory by
different criteria, etc. I wasn't going to use it for
things like 'print' because on some screens there are
10 or 12 different forms they need to print.
Ok. Here we go. We're going to get the books.
Tell me other ideas.
At 21 AUG 2002 03:40PM Jackie Jones wrote:
Hi Bob.
Put what used to be a whole screen into one of the pages of a
tabbed screen and when they click out of it have it save changes?
Use the inactive command of the smaller window as the
trigger to save?
And another idea to have a list on the left, and when
they click on a product from that list, populate
the tabbed form on the right?
At 21 AUG 2002 07:36PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
The User Interface Hall Of Shame is also an amusing take on How Not To Do Things :)
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 21 AUG 2002 07:48PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Like everyone else we LOVE "About Face". One of our favourite books of all time - knocked "Solid Code" off the top spot.
We're adherents of the tabbed SDI approach for "end users" and the MDI approach for "power users" but ultimately the tabbed SDI can always be implementd as a specialised MDI.
Checkout the Products and Services/Samples sections of for some screen shots which may give you some ideas…
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 21 AUG 2002 10:38PM Jackie Jones wrote:
Thanks. Thats great.
I'm still reading it.
Can I also ask, is there any way to wrap text
on the Combined Text/Bitmat controls?