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At 11 MAR 2009 11:03:15PM Chris Meyer wrote:

What is the InitDir format when the path contains spaces e.g

InitDir 'c:\temp\data sheets'

I have tried Quote('c:\temp\data sheets') but that does not return the directory list from dirList() either.



At 12 MAR 2009 03:36AM Stefano Cavaglieri wrote:


Try appending a file/format mask to the name of the directory. For instance, if you want to get a list of all files in the "c:\temp\data sheets" directory you would enter:

InitDir "c:\temp\data sheets\*.*"

Hope it helps,


At 12 MAR 2009 03:57AM Chris Meyer wrote:

Sorry, the folder I was attaching was empty. DirList() works fine as long as the directory is not empty.


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