Open all threads (General)
At 05 JAN 2004 07:55:47AM Nick Stevenson wrote:
It would be a real timesaver if, when you have selected a thread to follow, you could open all items on that thread without having to click on them individually. Quite often I spend more time navigating through the discussion forum threads than I do reading them!
At 05 JAN 2004 09:47AM wrote:
yep .. what would have been great would have been to use one of the many OpenSource forum tools. Something like phpBB. Brilliant board, great access and very configurable. onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: WinXP Pro
OI: 7.0
At 05 JAN 2004 01:12PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Sorry DSig, but I have been less than impressed with phpBB boards. They have great visual appeal but I find them very difficult to search and understand how a thread is connected.
At 06 JAN 2004 11:17AM Colin Rule wrote:
I agree that an improvement is due, as I too spend ages going through the responses. Problem is many are quite long and would take up a lot of space on one page.
A possible suggestion is to display the first 5 or so lines of each, so you can pick out the ones of interest and go further.
Maybe even better is to give the user configurable choice (cookie perhaps?) as to how they want to see it.
At 06 JAN 2004 11:30AM wrote:
Of course that is because it isn't threaded
Searching is very easy. But I understand about the threads. At first I wasn't happy with it. I had a long talk with Jim about it and after just using it I learned to appreciate it.
There are some out there that are threaded/open source/gpl etc. Would seem the way to go to me.
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: WinXP Pro
OI: 7.0