Deploy problem (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 16 JUL 2003 10:13:30PM Don Pederson wrote:
I'm trying to deploy an app and am having problems (what else is new?)
When I deploy and then copy the mising DLLs, the first thing I get after the splash screen is the following message:
Unable to open the SysreposLanguage file.The app does come up, and sort of works, but will crash if I click a button that does an IXLookup. I get the following error: ENG0801: RTP9, Line 1. Unknown descriptor type; using null string.
At this point I'm in the debugger, and aborting it leaves me with various error messages before the program disappears.
I'm running OI 4.1.3 on WinXP.
Any ideas?
Don Pederson
At 17 JUL 2003 08:12AM Bob Orsini wrote:
Try downloading the latest 4.1.3 and upgrading and then do the deployment again. The sysreposlanguage table is a new table in one of the latest upgrades. The immediate fix would be to copy the sysreposlanguage rable to the deployment but this would only fix this deployment.
At 18 JUL 2003 04:45PM Don Pederson wrote:
I ran the 4.1.3a upgrade, and now the deploy fails with the following errors:
RDK112*LOG*C:\FMOLIB ←- That is the folder I'm deploying to.
(The "*" are actually the y with umlaut over it.)
Also since upgrading, when I run the app in OI development mode, closing the app after printing results in this message in the debugger:
ENG0805: SET_PRINTER, Line 1. Function GetNextWindow does not exist in dynamic link library USER32.
Quiting the debugger I get this message:
Can't load (or register) custon contr9ol: SSUTIL.OCX
It looks like I'm going backwards
Don Pederson