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At 24 NOV 2021 11:31:32AM Mike ONeal wrote:

Hello all -

We have a site that is unable to print from both BRW and SLIST. No error message in BRW just a bunch of empty blocks appear, in SLIST the message is: "SPR014 Set 'PaperSize' Property Error in the SLIST_PRINTER_CREATE method…"

They have run the clientsetup (so I am told….), other machines on their network can print fine. The machine in question used to work and now it does not. A re-boot did not work. OI 9.4.4

Any suggestions?

Thanks much,

Mike O.

At 24 NOV 2021 01:18PM bob carten wrote:

Is there a default printer defined for the machine?

Can you print from Notepad?

At 26 NOV 2021 12:05PM Mike ONeal wrote:

Thanks Bob! They had redirected to a print driver for a label embosser. Mike

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