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At 19 FEB 2022 05:48:16AM Karl Pozmann wrote:

Is it possible to use the BRW with DB2 as well? Or is there a 3rd party version available?

At 19 FEB 2022 10:18AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Is it possible to use the BRW with DB2 as well? Or is there a 3rd party version available?

The general answer is that the BRW can be used with any database that OpenInsight can talk to via its Connector technology (aka bond).

You might find, however, that you'll have better results if you create a Programmatic Data Source as a wrapper around your DB2 data. We've had to do this when the data stored in the foreign database is messy.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 19 FEB 2022 11:51AM Karl Pozmann wrote:

Thanks Don - that is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. I KINDA remember seeing source code for bonds somewhere that could serve as an example - or is that just wishful thinking?

At 19 FEB 2022 12:32PM Karl Pozmann wrote:

OK - so I found documentation in Arev for the dBase bond - does it still work the same way in OpenInsight?

At 19 FEB 2022 01:26PM Donald Bakke wrote:

OK - so I found documentation in Arev for the dBase bond - does it still work the same way in OpenInsight?

Yes. The MFS/BFS API works pretty much the same in OI as it did in AREV. However, depending on what feature of DB2 you are interested in, this might already be built into OI 10. I am pretty sure you can use the SQL connector to connect to a DB2 RDBMS server.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 19 FEB 2022 02:00PM Karl Pozmann wrote:

Thanks again Don - I'll give the connector a look-see

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