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At 13 SEP 2022 06:57:54PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi -

upon clicking an EVENT on an O4W Parent Form I need direction on how I can dissable the parent form and build an O4W child form and when that form returns something - it is passed into the parent O4W foirm and the child O4W form goes away and the parent form is RE-Enabled.

That said I need to use my "Form building" tools to build the Chilf Form



At 14 SEP 2022 12:12PM BrianWick wrote:

I have a few buttons in an O4WDialog().

How do I programmatically "CLOSE" the dialog box when one of those button is clicked on.


Is there a way to disable an entire table or section vs. each control individually such as:

DisableField1 = O4WResponseOptions("0","1"):O4WInputOptions("0","0")



At 14 SEP 2022 12:48PM BrianWick wrote:

I see that calling the O4WDialog() again closes the box


If I close the dialog box by clicking on the upper right "X", the box closes BUT no EVENT is generated.

Therefore is there a way to deactivate the "X" in the upper right of the dialog box ?

Otherwise someone could "close" the dialog box using the upper right "X" instead of clicking on a button and then they return to a parent form that has been disabled.


Is there a way to disable an entire table or section vs. each control individually such as:

DisableField1 = O4WResponseOptions("0","1")shocked4WInputOptions("0","0")



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