Arev - OI10 (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 20 JUL 2021 07:09:04PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
In Arev you can assign enter a 'position' number in the column filed for collector windows
I cant do it in OI10 as it is quite useful to read and write records using those numbers
Any way to do it apart form changing the sysrepowin record itself?
or can it be allowed in form designer?
ps I use it in all converted subroutines and forms that I have imported from Arev
I get an error message when creating a new form where no tables have been added as a start
when you select the … to add dicts it comes up with
(may have been fixed in next release)
At 20 JUL 2021 07:24PM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Gerry,
OI doesn't support the "@pseudo" style of read/write setting like Arev Collector windows - the full concept of collector windows was never brought over from Arev - I guess it was represented by dialog boxes instead.
What I would do in the meantime is to give each of your controls a custom property that contains the field number you want to assign to it (you can do this in the FormDes) and then you can write yourself a simple stored procedure that iterates over your controls looking for the custom property - it can use the value of this to get and set it's own record.
I believe that error has been fixed in the next release.
At 20 JUL 2021 07:28PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
That's awesome
Thanks Carl…